The Big Spring 2019 Update, Bae Bee!
Hello Everyone! Giancarlo here, wishing y’all a happy 2019! It has been a busy start of the year for us at Milk & Honey Comics, and we haven’t posted anything official in a little bit, so I just wanted to come on here and make some exciting announcements about the direction the site is going in, and future opportunities to join our creative community!
1. All of the Milk & Honey Anthology Comics are now available to read digitally for FREE with checkout code!
That’s right, the 100+ pages of our first three issues of Milk & Honey Comic Anthology magazines download! Full accessibility to the material was something I have always personally envisioned with Milk & Honey from the beginning. Being able to have access to fun & unique comics, and to discover artists outside the norm was part of the original mission I had as I put together the first issue back in the day. Because Wix doesn’t allow products to available for free, I technically have all digital comics priced at one cent each originally, and a promo code available to apply at check out. Add the digital products below, and at checkout, use the code blessthebees to turn that three cents into zero!
Issue One (cover artwork by Jesse Mead)
Issue Two (cover artwork by Michael Sweater)
Issue Three (cover artwork by Andrew Greenstone)
And at the checkout, add the promo code blessthebees to download for free! We also have the same situation at Gumroad, our original digital marketplace.
2. Continuing to Celebrate and Promote our Contributors!
Along with being able to download each issue completely, we also have individual profiles for every contributing artists, allowing you to find particular submissions, and some unused and extra artwork from some fantastic friends. We hope that through Milk & Honey Anthology, readers will be able to discover new artists! You can see them all in a nice page here, or look up individual artist pages via the ‘Read Milk & Honey’ tab above. Some of the pages are still being updated and under construction.
3. We are Organizing our own ZINE FEST for May 11th! Vendor Applications now open for STONE SOUP ZINE FEST!
Inspired by all of the amazing events popping up on the DIY zine front, we are working with some friends to organizing Wilmington’s first zine fest! Planned for May 11th, 2019 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Our goal is to bring outside artistic spirit into an already beautiful and cultural town. At Bomber’s Beverage Company on Grace Street in the historic downtown, it should be a lot of fun and planning to be a great turn out. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, we have an application here till about mid-April. Any other questions can be answered at

4. Milk & Honey Comics are also hitting the road! (More dates TBA)
As well bring the magic of zines to our hometown, we are also going to more zine fests in the area! This is just a list of what we have plans to go to so far, we hope to see you around!
Comics Life (3/31) Event Link
Grey Matterz Annual Bash (4/6) Facebook Link
Queen City Zine Fest @ Davidson College (4/14) Link
Free Comic Book Day 2019 @ Memory Lane Comics (4/4)
Stone Soup Zine Fest (4/11) APPLY TO VENDOR HERE
5. Issue 4 of Milk & Honey Comic Anthology
The fourth issue has been a little delayed mostly on our front, and our upcoming zine fest has been on the forefront of our minds, but our fourth issue is beginning to come together. Cover artwork by Mixtape Comics, submission opening will probably be available next month, for a most likely Summer 2019 release around Small Press Expo. We also are looking to create featured sticker packs, a logo pin, new shirt designs, and some other fun things!